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Last week, my 14-year old part-time homeschooling student Teddy (he spends the other half at a private buddhist school), brought me a "Career Option" handbook that was designed by the Taiwan educational system. It's a handbook to discuss together with their parents about their educational future.


I read through the handbook, thought it was thorough with inspiring true stories of people who's made it in their fields. It allowed me to also discovered that Teddy was a great young cook, who often make the family dinner and desserts!



When I first met Teddy, I was told by his mom that he can't stand studying, let along learning English and memorizing vocabularies. He was considered a troubled-student in the Asian educational system. He's transfered to many different schools due to his behavior.


His teachers would be glad if he sits quietly in his corner and not disturbed any students in class. Through our conversations, I found out he was either likely to be a basketball player, music performer, or an awesome gamer when he grows up; Nothing in there has anything to do with academic studies.



After our conversation, I knew the only way I could gain his trust was to teach him music through singing and guitar. Surprisingly, he owns a guitar but doesn't know how to play it. During that time, he was obsessed with Alan Walker's "Faded" so much that I knew it was my ticket to show him the joy of learning!


Through the lyrics, he learned English pronunciation and the meaning of the song. Through learning how to play the 4 chords on his guitar was the beginning of his life's lessons in self-discipline, self-dedication, and self-respect.


He was so proud of the callus on his finger tips from long hours of practice-even more so that his older brother who plays guitar doesn't have it. Through music and hard work that opened the door to the acceptance of learning; especially English.



After that, we also started piano lessons and English courses using the Spectrum book series, a current state standards used in the United states purchased at Caves Bookstore.


With joy, his mom promised soon to enroll him in DJ class taught by an amazing person named Theo who came from England to Taiwan, who's well-known as DJ Chamber around the world. For the first time in his life, he can see the short goal through learning and the rewards that comes with it-his grades at school began to improved.

他媽媽很開心的答應他,等他英文程度再穩定進步一點就讓他去跟ㄧ位從英國來台灣的Theo,世界認知的DJ Chamber學電子音樂。在他人生的第一次起步,感受到短期的目標是可以從學習裡得到獎勵的。他的學校成績也開始進步了。